I had to write about something that has been in my head since yesterday morning when I first saw it: The new "magic" commercial advertising the H3 Hummer. I'd link it here so you can see it, but it hasn't seemed to make it to youtube or any other place yet.
In the ad, a "magician" points out a compact car space. At that moment a women in an H3 parks in it, and he says something like "ta da!" I'm not really sure because looking at the H3 in that space pissed me off. If you take a look at the passenger side of the H3, you will notice that when the person who owns the car on that side of the H3 comes back, he or she is not going to be able to enter his or her vehicle. He or she is going to be really pissed.
Here's the thing. They are compact car spots for a reason. The spots are small. Second, if you are going to be an asshole SUV driver and park in a spot that is clearly marked as not being for you, then at least make sure the owners of the cars next to you will be able to open their car doors wide enough to actually climb inside. If you don't, don't be surprised and don't blame them if you end up with large dents from their car doors whacking the side of your gas-guzzler...or even a scratch from their mirrors scraping up against your monstrosity because you were parked only an inch away from them. You can only blame yourself.
Lesson: Park where your car actually fits, not where you think it fits.
Labels: advertisments, Hummer