Rants-With some raves thrown in for good measure

Random thoughts about life in general.

Wednesday, January 24, 2007

Oh no! Again!

I want to barf. I did it again. I forgot something important. Today it was my notebook for class. I left it on my desk at work. Luckily I had typed and printed all the important notes, but I don't have anything to write on during class. I'll have to see if someone in class can give me some paper. What is happening to me?!


Friday, January 19, 2007

The Absent-Minded Woman

For the past month I've been really absent-minded. I've been forgetting my keys or taking the wrong keys. I've forgotten that I've been able to leave work early on some days. I've forgotten lunches at home or at work. It's starting to become really annoying. I keep a calendar to remind me of important things, but little things like this are driving me crazy!


Surreal Day

I must blog about my day so far. It isn't even 10:30 in the morning and my day has been really surreal.

I had an early meeting to cover at work so I got up early so I could leave early so I could get to work early. Somehow I ended up picking up my husband's keys instead of my own, but I didn't realize this until I got to the gas station. It normally wouldn't be a problem. He would pick up my keys and use them. But...my keys were in my coat pocket. I went home and found him digging in the garbage looking for his keys. He yelled at me that he tried calling me and I needed to keep my phone out of my purse so I could hear it. I was at the gas station. That was why I didn't hear my phone.

So the drive was easy until I get close to work and hit traffic. I definitely wasn't going to be at work early now. I call and leave a message for someone to let them know.

I go over the bridge and get off the exit. At the exit, I have to merge otherwise I end up on a one-way street to nowhere. It's not a very long merge point, and there was a van in the other lane, so I had to stop before I could merge. The van stopped, too, and the driver just looked at me like I was an idiot. It turns out he wanted in my lane (although he didn't have a turn signal on), but I had no where to go. He finally went forward a little so I was able to merge.

Then I get on a road with two lanes at the light. One lane is a left turn lane and the other is straight/right turn lane. I was going straight so I get in the right lane and wait until the light is green. Someone is in the lane next to me. He decides he's not turning and goes straight. And it's not like he gases up to be in front of me. He's slightly behind me...pretty much in my blind spot. He honks at ME!!!! Not just a little honk. He leaned on his horn the whole way up the street until I turn at the next light. Like it was my fault!!! I'm sorry, had he hit me, it would have been his fault. He was in the wrong lane. He should've been turning left.

So I get to work. Things are okay for a while. The group that is meeting is a group of psychiatrists. They cracked me up. It was a videoconference, and we had set up the videoconferencing equipment in the meeting room and put some tables in front of the TV. They ended up sitting all spread out throughout the room. It was so non-conformist.

So then I get a phone call for a physician referral. I'm happy to do it, but some people can be a little loopy. This woman wanted the best physician in the city. I explained to her that our organization doesn't rate or rank physicians. She asked why. I explained that it would be a subjective opinion that could differ from person to person. She seemed to be okay with that asked if I could give her a name of a Chinese doctor. I then had to explain that I was not able to do that because our system does not include ethnicities. She asked why. I tried to explain to her that was just how our system was set up. She didn't get it, so I told her I could look up a physician who speaks Chinese. She thought that was fine. I look it up. There are only five, so I ask her what type of physician she was looking for. "Oh, one that deals with blood pressure, heart problems and blood thinners," she says. Okay...a cardiologist. Only one on the list of Chinese-speaking doctors was a cardiologist. I gave her the name. He also spoke Thai, and looking at the name...he's probably Thai. Oh well. Anyhow, I started to give her the phone number, but she cut me off and asked, "Could you give me the name of a medical doctor?" I wanted to bang my head off the desk. I told her that everyone in our database is a medical doctor. (I didn't get into the doctors of osteopatic medicine; I knew it wouldn't be worth it.) But then she asked if I could look up a Dr. Campbell. Sure. In my head I'm laughing because Campbell is not a Chinese name (not that that means anything, but it struck me funny). I asked her if she knew the first name. No. Well, I have several Campbells in the database. He works out of so-and-so hospital, she says, "should I call there?" YES!!! Finally I'm off the hook!!!

But that's my day so far.

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Thursday, January 04, 2007

One of My Biggest Pet Peeves

Over the holidays I had another run-in with assumption. It was an assumption that would have been easily shot down by a simple phone call. Now I'm stuck trying to find a remedy. Again, I would like to say, "DON'T ASSUME!"
