Bras and supporting the troops are similar how?

I recently saw this posted as someone's status on Facebook:
"Posting the color of your bra made the news but will this? It's time to show the world that more of us SUPPORT our Troops than not. If you support our Troops then please post this on your status and leave it there for one hour. And if you don't stand behind our Troops, then please feel free to STAND IN FRONT OF THEM......"
I would like to point out the reasons why the bra color thing made the news and this will not.
- It's hateful. I stand behind the troops, but I respect those whose opinions are different than mine. News organizations only like support stuff that is fluffy or happy or, perhaps, contriversial. They don't like hateful.
- The bra color thing was a good example of viral marketing. The statuses only were of colors. There was no explanation. Thus, it made people try to figure out what the heck it was all about. It created a buzz.
- This status is typical of chain letter crap. Post this, pass it on .... or else. That doesn't make the news.
- Finally, bras are much more interesting than supporting our troops. Sorry. It's the truth.
Thank you for listening.
Labels: bras, chain letters, newsworthiness, status messages, troop support, viral marketing
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