I hope I don't get an ulcer

The worst thing about being unemployed has been being without health and dental insurance. COBRA benefits were much more than we could afford. Being put on my husband's insurance cost too much. Individual coverage wasn't too bad, but more than we could spend.
I worry that my cold is actually the swine flu or strep throat. I worry that pain in my gut is more than just gas. I worry that I'm going to hurt myself or get really sick. I haven't had a refill on my inhaler for my asthma. I have exercise-induced asthma, so I've become more lazy.
I had to have a couple cavities filled recently. My husband wanted me to put it off. I told him I would rather pay for a couple fillings now than a root canal later. Luckily, the dentist is allowing me to make payments.
Something needs to be done about health care in this country. There needs to be a public option for people like me. Or it just needs to become more affordable so I don't have to worry so much. But, of course, the health care bills that have been passed have been so stripped down that they are pretty much worthless. I'm a cynic. Health care won't change in this country. I will continue to worry until I finally have a job that provides health insurance or pays enough that I can buy individual coverage.
Good luck to me.
Labels: dental insurance, health care, health insurance
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