
My daughter had her 12 month doctor appointment today. Everything went well. Her height and weight are steady. Her development is right on target. The doctor was happy with everything. She even told me, "It's nice to deal with a baby that isn't chunky. Evidence shows that chunky babies tend to be obese adults." The nurse praised me for keeping up with her well-child visits, saying, "You wouldn't believe how many people don't." Other than the shots and bloodwork, it ended up being a very nice visit.
Weaning has been going well. The mid-morning feeding has been phased out. She hasn't even missed it. And I have lots of pride in the fact that I made it a year. According to the CDC, only about 17 percent of babies are breastfed through an entire year. Greta and I are in the minority. And she was exclusively breastfed through six months. That's pretty rare as well. Even though solid foods aren't recommended until six months, so many parents (and doctors tell them to!) start solids at four months. I guess it's okay to start at four months, but it's not recommended.
I think people feed their babies too much. There's a reason nearly 33 percent of children in this country are obese. It starts young. But I've covered this before.
Labels: breastfeeding, nursing, weaning
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