Rants-With some raves thrown in for good measure

Random thoughts about life in general.

Friday, March 26, 2010

This blogging thing

I realize I need to get a regular schedule going for my blogging. And I also realize I need to have some sort of direction. This blog is my random thought blog. Years ago I started a blog in my cat's name and in her voice. It was very creative, but I lost interest in it quickly. I started a portfolio blog. I stopped that one once I set up a portfolio Web site (www.elizabethfulton-pr.com).

I need to have a focused blog. I need ideas. Any ideas out there?


Thursday, March 11, 2010

Optimism and fresh air

It feels like spring.

The air is warm. The sun is shining. There is a threat of rain.

It's the best time of the year.

Everything seems new and optimistic. The sun makes the stress melt away.

My daughter sits in her stroller with her sunglasses on, smiling and barking back at the dogs as we take a walk around the neighborhood. Her bad mood and teething pain has seemed to disappear.

I open a window for the cat. She breathes in the fresh air and gives me an appreciative meow.

And even though the snow is still on the ground in patches and the grass is brown and muddy, everything about the day screams spring and all it represents.

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Tuesday, March 09, 2010

A tale of two dos

Except for one really bad short perm back in middle school, I had long hair throughout my younger years. I'm talking about really long hair. I usually kept it waist-length.

That all changed while I was in college. I had friends who were hairstylists. I let one cut my hair to just past my shoulders. And the other I let have his way with my hair one day. And that was my first real foray into shorter hair.

Now I go back and forth between cutting all my hair off and spending years growing it out. It's been this way for the past 14 years.

I mention this because I've recently cut my hair short again after having had hair halfway down my back for the past three years. I was very excited. And I was very happy. Then it happened.

Someone said it made me look older and like a mom.

It was something a 33-year-old woman does not want to hear. It was very insulting. I've been dwelling on it ever since.

The mom comment didn't bother me as much because I am a mom. But it made me wonder if people thought I looked like a mom 10 years ago when I had a similar haircut.

And now I almost wish I hadn't cut my hair. I'm looking for a job. The last thing I need is to look older. Sexism and ageism exist. Attractive women in their 20s have better chances of getting a job when all other factors are equal.

And this is very illogical. I had more compliments on my haircut than anything else. Only one person was mean. I should trust the compliments. But one little comment makes me insane and obsessed. So I'm writing about it, hoping that venting will bring my mind a little peace.

You decide:


